I heard many mixed reviews from Thor Love and Thunder but mostly they were bad reviews. But I really don't understand why. From the beginning the movie starts great. Brief description of the villain and on to what has been going on with Thor. We learn about what is going on with the Guardian Of The Galaxy and why they leave. Also, we learn what happened to Jane Foster. I wasn't sure what route they will take to return her. Either a Multiversal version, sudden appearance or actually explaining what happened to her. Glad they explained what had happened to Jane all this time and how she becomes Mighty Thor. Now the comedy, yes, at times seems like too much. But the comedy was nice and fitted the moments. I don't think it was childish maybe excessive at times but it was fun. The comedy was well written and well place. The movie had great and constant comedy moments but the fighting scenes were also amazing. The fights combined with the soundtrack were amazing. I really don't see why many attacked this movie as they did. It had a well elaborated plot, new characters, comedy, action, tension and many nice surprises. Meeting the Gods was great. Something knew and we were hinted this plot will continue. Even do a lot was going on on this movie nothing was actually rushed. Maybe the first minutes but it was well done. We didn't really need much information, they gave enough and then continued to the new stuff. Gorr as a villain was great. Maybe if he appeared a few more minutes would have been better but his fights were great. Introducing Heimdall's son, Zeus, and even Hercules was a nice touch. Now there was one thing Im not sure why they decided to do it like that. There was a huge rumor that Thor died on this movie. I guess it was correct since Mighty Thor aka Jane Foster dies. But why did she died? Gorr could have desire anything. He seem like he redeem himself. He even thought that if he resurrected his daughter she would be alone. So he could have chosen to cure Jane Foster and he could have been with her daughter in the afterlife. But maybe even when redeeming himself he wouldn't been able to be with her. But Thor raising a villains daughter was unexpected. I was even more surprised to know that the character "Love" is Chris Hemsworth actual daughter. I believe she might be the character Mistress Love from the comics. She is supposed to be the physical representation of the actual feeling Love. That will need more explaining, later on. Still I believe Mighty Thor could have at least continued for a few more movies. Maybe it was that Natalie Portman wanted to end her character now so she wouldn't be tied to future Marvel projects? Maybe because of Natalie's age but then again it's not much difference than Chris's age. Or maybe the story was written like that since the beginning. But still seeing how it ended, she could still potentially come back at least for a special moment (maybe SecretWars?) Also, it seems Thor might be getting a new Trilogy like Spider-Man and that would be great. Not sure if this Eternity version is the same shown in the Marvel Guardian Of The Galaxy video game but felt it could have been explained further. Also, not sure if they will mention or explain something related to the Eternals later on. The movie had enough of everything and hinted several new characters and a probable plot that the Guardians Of The Galaxy could take for their movie.
Overall, this was a great movie. My conclusion is that people hated this movie because Jane died and people wanted her to continue in the MCU. But again, we don't know if this was an actors decision or a character decision. Maybe they wanted to make an impact on Thor life and this was the best way. Still I beleieve this movie had a lot of good stuff and people should rewatch ot without the tension and mystery of the first time. This was a great movie that I would definitely recommend. I will rate it an 8.5. It was great, fun, intense and even sad but yes there were moments that could have been done slightly better. I was close to giving it a 9 but for different reasons it compares more to other 8.5 movies.
****Anyways, I think I know why people are starting to hate Marvel's projects from Movies to Series. People are now expecting major crossover events in Every movie! They are forgetting these are sequels or continuations of other movies. Ever since Spider-Man No Way Home people are expecting huge Characters to meet. Even do No Way Home also wasn't what people expected. If you watch closely Marvel's MCU Phase 4 the best actual complete movies are between ShangChi, Doctor Strange and Thor since BlackPanther hasn't released yet. These 3 movies had an actual well written script. It had great plots, comedy, action, information, and character development. BlackWidow was ok but felt incomplete like it needed more. Spider-Man No Way Home was really just a fan service. NoWayHome movie plot was rushed and they just kept adding stuff even do some moments didn't make sense or contradict with another event. Also, many criticize on the comedy shown on Movies and Series but this format has been around since IronMan 1. The difference is that back then we were discovering the main Avengers on each movie until they unite. Now we are seeing new heroes and villains most people dont recognize. Also, now we are having more Adult moments we never saw back then. They are that huge moments but we are seeing more Love, Language, Violence Hororr and some even gore scenes we never saw before. So people should just watch these movies as they come along and later a crossover event will happen. They said the next major crossover event could happen in SecretInvasion. ***
Rating: 8.5
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