I didn't had much hope for this movie since it felt like they were just concluding the story of the Guardians Of The Galaxy in a rush but on the contrary it was well done and they opened the chances for new opportunities. The Rocket Raccoon story seem a lot more cruel and brutal from what I knew. From all the mutilated animals and experimented on to the losses and tortures.This version felt a lot more sad and intense than the usual story.
James Gunn ability to combine light comedy with emotional and cruel moments is just amazing. He can take you from a light and fun event to the most sad moments of the movie. The best thing was that everything felt into place and made sense how they connected everything as the story progress.
Maybe it did had some moments that could have been done differently like the moments when they changed stuff from the original stories. But it made us think that some stuff was changed because of problems outside the plot. For example, changing Adam Warlock was probably to make the character last longer since he was just introduced on this movie. Maybe Marvel will needed for future films so they presented a an even more naive and unprepared Adam than the usual version. He will probably mature and develop in other movies. The new Gamora was probably a decision by the Russo brothers for the Endgame movie but they manage to adapt her character into the GuardiansOfTheGalaxy in a good way. Maybe something common in the Guardians Of The Galaxy is how they manage to defeat powerful enemies so I guess we just have to accept that without trying to make sense. They are a great team but they have defeated poweful enemies that could have defeated the Guardians Of The Galaxy in an instant but didn't. This idea works on Guardians Of The Galaxy movies because they show their connection as a team and family.
This movie had all kind of emotional moments and didn't failed to deliver as a Superheroe film. The movie started emotional since the beginning then went into full team action. We saw all kinds of new characters having more spotlight like Kraglin, Cosmo, Adam Warlock, new Gamora, and even the introduction of Phyla-Vell. Not sure why they need another Mar-Vell since they have enough already. Again they missed the opportunity of introducing Nova. Which now Im more worried since there's no news about Nova, hopefully they are saving him for later. But really hope they don't replace him with another Mar-Vell. Really hope they introduce both Richard Rider and Sam Alexander as Nova.
Overall the movie was enjoyable and really felt like a good big budget movie. I would definitely recommend it and even watch it again. I think so far it has been the best Marvel project this year. It had a great plot, acting, cast, action, comedy, drama and even hints of what is coming. I will rate this movie an 9.0 because of the plot, action and emotional moments.
Rating: 9.0
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