Friday, September 30, 2022

#ScorpioReviews El Rey: Vicente Fernandez

Las primeras impresiones sobre la serie original y autorizada de Vicente Fernández son que simplemente fue una maravilla de proyecto. El sentimiento, dolor, pena, amor, sueños, alegría, fuerza y perseverancia se transmite profundamente en esta historia. Se nota que fue hecha con seriedad & paciencia y no a la carrera. El elenco fue increíble, ya que todos lograron transmitir lo necesario de su personaje. Si bien no cuenta toda la historia hasta el día de su muerte, si narra la etapa más conocida de Vicente y la parte poca conocida de su niñez. Los 4 actores de Vicentes estuvieron espectacular. En su estilo de actuar tanto de Vicente niño, adolescente, Joven y Adulto lograron transmitir el sentimiento adecuado para cada etapa de su vida. Quizás por ahí se puede criticar el audio al cantar de Vicente Niño y Adolescente. Muchas veces se a dicho que al momento de grabar una escena de canto se deben grabar por separado. Graban la canción y luego la agregan a la escena actuada. Así que quizás fue un problema de edición porque al escuchar la voz de Vicente cantando tanto niño como adolescente se escuchaba muy baja. Pero demasiada baja. Incluso parecía que no le llegaban a las notas pero pues no se si fue la interpretación o la edición. En cambio Sebastian Dante y Jaime Camil lo hicieron espectacular tanto al actuar como al cantar. 
Claro que existirán las criticas y quejas de la historia, voz o interpretación de Vicente. Pero la verdad fue un gran proyecto. La historia si, se nota que hay cosas contadas para proteger a Vicente o hacerlo ver mejor ante la gente. Pero igual hay veces que te lo dejan a tu criterio y dependiendo de lo que pasa alrededor sabrás como pasaron las cosas. El cambio de nombre de los personajes igual es normal aunque estaba autorizada por Vicente. En la BioSerie de Joan Sebastian y las otras que han salido pasan mismo para evitar demandas. Y eso que en la de Joan los mismo hijos Jose Msnuel Figueroa y Julian participaron en el proyecto. Pero con un poco de investigación sabes quien es quien en esta serie. Si bien en situaciones cuentan las cosas en otra manera pues tampoco es mentira ya que los eventos mostrados si suceden. En cambio en la otra serie de Vicente si se invento demasiado para vender el morbo y chisme. Sobre los personajes esto NO es oficial pero se podría decir que aparecieron:

Olga Wornat: Periodista
Lucha Villa: Cantante 
Jose Alfredo Jimenez: CantaAutor
Chabela Vargas: Cantante

entre muchos otros. Otra cosa criticada será la voz de los actores. Si bien como dije las voces de Vicente niño y adolescente no están a la altura de Vicente pero quizás fue un pequeño error de edición. Al igual que las voces de Sebastian Dante y Jaime Camil fueron bastantes buenas aún serán criticadas. Muchos pensaran que deben ser idénticas a Vicente al ser un BioSerie pero no. Así no funciona esto. No se trata de hacer una parodia de la vida de Vicente Fernández. Claro se podría traer a un imitador pero lo interpretaría con el cliché de siempre. Exagerando sus ademanes y estilo de canto para sonar más como el. Pero quizás no daría el mismo sentimiento al momento de interpretarlo en las escenas de actuación. Aún así aunque les duela a muchos e insistan en atacar tanto Sebastian Dante como Jaime Camil ellos lograron darle esa tonada de Vicente en algunas frases y algunas versos de algunas canciones. Hay canciones que suenan muy parecidas a Vicente en partes. Y no, no estoy diciendo que Sebastian Dante o Jaime Camil estén a la altura de ser el próximo Vicente Fernández pero si hay que reconocer el maravilloso trabajo que ambos hicieron. Tanto en preparación, interpretación y energía. Volviendo a la otra serie No autorizada simplemente se hizo a la carrera. El cantante suena como el mismo y en todo momento lo vez a el cantando. No te transmite ni en actuacion ni en interpretacion al cantar a Vicente Fernández. Otra cosa muy atinada fue la presentación de Vicente. En esta serie El Rey: Vicente Fernández tanto su look físicamente,detalles, vestuario entre otras cosas luce excelente. En general es una muy buena serie. Te lleva a diferentes etapas de la vida de Vicente Fernández no muy conocidas. Incluso si se podría hacer una segunda temporada creo que sin duda ellos sí se la ganaron. Para contar las partes que faltaron hasta el momento de su muerte. Muchas de las criticas de la serie fue de porque elegír a Jaime Camil para la parte adulta de Vicente y no a su hijo Alejandro Fernández. Creo esta más que claro el porque. En el dado caso de hacerse una BioSerie de Alejandro Fernández pues que mejor que e Él mismo haga su parte y su hijo Alex lo intérprete de joven. Así no repiten a Alejandro Fernández para dos proyectos. Pues en general como lo dije fue un gran proyecto hecho con mucha seriedad y cariño. Quizás el final fue un poco apresurado entre los últimos capítulos pero era para incluir esos momentos necesarios para el final de toda la serie. Pero fuera se ciertos detalles lo hicieron increíble en Actuación, historia, personajes, música e interpretación del gran Vicente Fernández. Definitivamente es muy recomendable ver esta serie. Tanto para los que conocen por completo a Vicente como a los que conocían poco de su vida o solo conocían sus canciones. Me parece una serie de 8.5. Por la actuacion, interpretación, canciones, personajes, historia, duración, producción, locaciones, vestuarios, y Los sentimientos que te muestran durante toda la serie.

Rating 8.5

Saturday, September 10, 2022

#ScorpioReviews Pinocchio

I don't remember if I read or saw the animated movie of Pinocchio but it has been a long since then. I only remembered the main things like proving to be a real boy (good boy), nose growing when lying, donkey ears, Jiminy Cricket being the conscious, the whale and turning into a Real Boy. This movie was very well done. They emphasize a lot more on the sadness of Geppetto. I don't know if as a kid I didn't realize as much the loss Geppetto felt. Or if they actually did made a stronger impact on this movie of Geppetto losing his son and wife. 
Tom Hanks was amazing as Geppetto. The emotions he transmitted were deep and sincere. Also, I don't really like musical movies but on this movie it was used just on the right places. The story was very well written. The plot went fluently and got right to the point. This movie gives a great lesson for kids in every part of the movie. You can tell their approach and how some was changed to reach new generations. Each moment teach a new lesson and even showed the consequences of each one. Now the end was kind of disappointing but understandable. I understand inclusion and wanting to defend the feeling of being different. But the story was well written already and I'm sure people would have understood. Changing the ethnic of the fairy is understandable because it doesn't affect the story and was a great choice of actress who has a great voice. Changing the whale to a sea monster was actually surprising but overall also didn't affected the story. But choosing not to transform Pinocchio into a real boy was like a safe choice rather than the best choice. They were afraid that people will say that being different is wrong and transforming the Wooden Boy into a real Boy would make some people believe that being different is bad. But it truly wouldn't. People would have to understand that even do this Stories give real lessons they are still mostly fantasy. But still they left the choice open for the audience to choose. Maybe he did became a real boy or maybe that happen on another version as Jiminy Cricket said it himself. 
Overall I really enjoyed the movie. It had that classic Disney magic all the time. I definitely recommend this movie. Specially to kids because I feel they will learn the lessons given but still enjoy the movie at the same time. They won't feel as if they are being told what to do but they will actually see what could happen. This was a great movie and I will rate it 8.0. The movie had a fast pace and wasn't really rushed but at times it felt they could have elaborated on certain moments of the movie. Still it was nice family movie.

Rating 8.0

Friday, September 9, 2022

#ScorpioReviews - Thor Love and Thunder

I heard many mixed reviews from Thor Love and Thunder but mostly they were bad reviews. But I really don't understand why. From the beginning the movie starts great. Brief description of the villain and on to what has been going on with Thor. We learn about what is going on with the Guardian Of The Galaxy and why they leave. Also, we learn what happened to Jane Foster. I wasn't sure what route they will take to return her. Either a Multiversal version, sudden appearance or actually explaining what happened to her. Glad they explained what had happened to Jane all this time and how she becomes Mighty Thor. Now the comedy, yes, at times seems like too much. But the comedy was nice and fitted the moments. I don't think it was childish  maybe excessive at times but it was fun. The comedy was well written and well place. The movie had great and constant comedy moments but the fighting scenes were also amazing. The fights combined with the soundtrack were amazing. I really don't see why many attacked this movie as they did. It had a well elaborated plot, new characters, comedy, action, tension and many nice surprises. Meeting the Gods was great. Something knew and we were hinted this plot will continue. Even do a lot was going on on this movie nothing was actually rushed. Maybe the first minutes but it was well done. We didn't really need much information, they gave enough and then continued to the new stuff. Gorr as a villain was great. Maybe if he appeared a few more minutes would have been better but his fights were great. Introducing Heimdall's son, Zeus, and even Hercules was a nice touch. Now there was one thing Im not sure why they decided to do it like that. There was a huge rumor that Thor died on this movie. I guess it was correct since Mighty Thor aka Jane Foster dies. But why did she died? Gorr could have desire anything. He seem like he redeem himself. He even thought that if he resurrected his daughter she would be alone. So he could have chosen to cure Jane Foster and he could have been with her daughter in the afterlife. But maybe even when redeeming himself he wouldn't been able to be with her. But Thor raising a villains daughter was unexpected. I was even more surprised to know that the character "Love" is Chris Hemsworth actual daughter. I believe she might be the character Mistress Love from the comics. She is supposed to be the physical representation of the actual feeling Love. That will need more explaining, later on. Still I believe Mighty Thor could have at least continued for a few more movies. Maybe it was that Natalie Portman wanted to end her character now so she wouldn't be tied to future Marvel projects? Maybe because of Natalie's age but then again it's not much difference than Chris's age. Or maybe the story was written like that since the beginning. But still seeing how it ended, she could still potentially come back at least for a special moment (maybe SecretWars?) Also, it seems Thor might be getting a new Trilogy like Spider-Man and that would be great. Not sure if this Eternity version is the same shown in the Marvel Guardian Of The Galaxy video game but felt it could have been explained further. Also, not sure if they will mention or explain something related to the Eternals later on. The movie had enough of everything and hinted several new characters and a probable plot that the Guardians Of The Galaxy could take for their movie.

Overall, this was a great movie. My conclusion is that people hated this movie because Jane died and people wanted her to continue in the MCU. But again, we don't know if this was an actors decision or a character decision. Maybe they wanted to make an impact on Thor life and this was the best way. Still I beleieve this movie had a lot of good stuff and people should rewatch ot without the tension and mystery of the first time. This was a great movie that I would definitely recommend. I will rate it an 8.5. It was great, fun, intense and even sad but yes there were moments that could have been done slightly better. I was close to giving it a 9 but for different reasons it compares more to other 8.5 movies.

****Anyways, I think I know why people are starting to hate Marvel's projects from Movies to Series. People are now expecting major crossover events in Every movie! They are forgetting these are sequels or continuations of other movies. Ever since Spider-Man No Way Home people are expecting huge Characters to meet. Even do No Way Home also wasn't what people expected. If you watch closely Marvel's MCU Phase 4 the best actual complete movies are between ShangChi, Doctor Strange and Thor since BlackPanther hasn't released yet. These 3 movies had an actual well written script. It had great plots, comedy, action, information, and character development. BlackWidow was ok but felt incomplete like it needed more. Spider-Man No Way Home was really just a fan service. NoWayHome movie plot was rushed and they just kept adding stuff even do some moments didn't make sense or contradict with another event. Also, many criticize on the comedy shown on Movies and Series but this format has been around since IronMan 1. The difference is that back then we were discovering the main Avengers on each movie until they unite. Now we are seeing new heroes and villains most people dont recognize. Also, now we are having more Adult moments we never saw back then. They are that huge moments but we are seeing more Love, Language, Violence Hororr and some even gore scenes we never saw before. So people should just watch these movies as they come along and later a crossover event will happen. They said the next major crossover event could happen in SecretInvasion. ***

Rating: 8.5

#ScorpioReviews - Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol.3

Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol.3 I didn't had much hope for this movie since it felt like they were just concluding the story o...